Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Landmark Experience

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you, and just happening. Interesting that despite what each of us thinks are hugely important trials and tribulations, really most of the rest of the world does not care. Not at first that seems a bit demoralizing, in the 'no one cares about me' sense. But when you really think about it, it's really liberating in that 'the entire world is not that concerned with what I am doing, so I can do what I want and be happy' sense. This is just one of the many interesting points I came away from the Landmark Forum with (I did it the weekend of Feb 10-13). It's an interesting process. I originally decided to go at the suggestion of Rose. I really didn't know what to expect, but I was sad and upset and figured I'd try anything once :) Luckily she had warned me going in that it could be a little salesy, which helped me keep things in perspective. I mean if Rose went into it and didn't like the 'hard-sell' side of things, but still felt like it was an amazing experience and worth doing... well let's just say it helped keep my mind open.

The interesting part of the whole thing is that a lot of what is said/taught in the forum is fairly intuitive, common sense sort of stuff. In fact in many ways it's the simplicity of it that makes it so powerful. It's also what makes us so resistant to it, because we as humans somehow feel like we should have been able to figure it out on our own if it were that easy. I guess that is the foil of our ego. I was able to really take a step back from my life and take a look at how what I had been doing was affecting all the relationships I have in my life (love, work, friends, etc). By seeing where you have been a cause in your own problems gives you the authority and power to be the solution in them as well. Once I had been able to really see myself as the cause of my life, because it's my life and no one elses, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. It helped me regain a sense of control that I had previously not experienced when I was busy seeing life as something that was happening to me as opposed to as something that I happened to.

I won't really preach about the merits of the course too much, though I will say that it is something I would recommend anyone to do for the peace and empowerment it provides (just don't get too frustrated by the hard-sell side fo it). I just want to point out one of the things that was most important for me coming out of the course.

Life is right now! All of us are so busy living our lives for a future that may or may not happen. If I work x-number of hours a week I'll save enough money to be able to spend time with my family someday. Or if I get this job, or this relationship, or have this much money, then I'll be really happy. Or the opposite, of I don't want to be in a relationship because I may get hurt or it may not work (I know this one well). Guess what!?! You're missing it. Life is what's happening right now. Now is the time you need to be happy in and feel fulfilled. Tomorrow never comes. When tomorrow gets here, it's right now, this moment! And yet we still live for tomorrow and someday. Live to your potential right now, and live to your passion because this is it. This is what life is. This is your life, right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a fag