So I am sitting in the manager's room right now listening to Michelle Carrone give Ham her requisite compliment after telling her what time the bus leaves. Her, Candi, and Doc have to, when anyone asks them what time our bus leaves in the morning, tell them when it's leaving and then give them a compliment. It was their fine for being late for the bus coming home in Edinburgh. It was quite an entertaining evening of skits and a fine session. Will give more details later. I'm also highly amused by the conversations that have arisen from the book that Trucano brought with her, Sextrology. I'm learning more about our staff than I ever needed to know ;)
So back to the course of life here in Limerick (which by the way tonight is our last night). So Thursday was a nice little recovery day for us. We actually had a recovery session in the pool, but Michelle let me use running to the laundromat as my recovery session, because I had to pick up all the stuff that we had dropped off so that we could pack up before noon. When I got back from that little jaunt I went to a nice leisurely breakfast before packing up all my stuff... we needed to pack everything to get it shipped to London because of that pesky 33lb weight limit for ryanair. After getting all packed up there was just some leisure time lounging about. Then Jen and I went to lunch and headed into town so that she could try and get the last of the coaches gifts, which were stressing her out. It was a very lazy time and then it was time to wander back in to the hotel and have dinner. After dinner we had a meeting where the selections for the England match were announced... there was a bit of confusion about it all, because apparently some people knew the selections before we were told them because they had been posted on some website, so Kathy wasn't too thrilled with that.
I will be starting at tighthead prop for the match, which will be a lot of fun, but also a shift after playing LHP for a while now. After the selections were announced we then watched the tape of the Ireland match. It wasn't as bad on tape as it appeared in real life, but some of that may also have been that there was some time to put things in perspective. After the match we just watched tv and went to sleep.
Today was our last day of intense practices. We had to be at the pitch ready to go at 9:30am and worked on clearing in the breakdowns and tactical decisions with regards to breakdown assignments. It was a fairly mellow practice and we broke for lunch at 11:30. After lunch we were back on the pitch at 1:30, with Kathy's goal being that we'd finish at 3:30pm. We worked on lineouts, scrums, and defense, and had a pretty good focused session to wind out the tour. After practice it was ice bath time, and then the Sextrology reading started to entertain us until dinner. After our last awesome meal, it was time for our evening entertainment.
The rookies actually got there skit given to them, sort of. Back when we were in Scotland they were told that they had to make "music video", which they did of Thriller. Let's just say that a few of us took the brunt of the abuse... and those few of use know who we are. After the skit, we did our fine session, where the majority of our punishments were in the form of limericks being composed. This is because earlier in our stay we had a fun little activity where Shouse gave us all pictures of each others pets and we had to write limericks about the pet or the pets owner if we knew who it was. So it sort of became a theme.
After that we just lounged and watched a rugby game that was on tv... so it was a relatively easygoing day, for being a two a day tye situation. Now I am making sure I am all caught up before we head to London tomorrow. We're leaving at 10:45am, which means one more amazing breakfast. We're going to have a walk through tomorrow when we arrive in London, but nothing else really training wise.
On that note, I need to go to bed parce que Je suis fatiguee. I think the steady sleep-deprived state I am achieving is starting to get to me. Who knows what the computer situation will be like in London, but if I get a chance I'll get it going again.
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